Solo Female Travel in Paris

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Is it safe for a woman to travel to Paris alone? Absolutely! In most cases, with proper preparation and precautions, visiting Paris can be as safe as staying in your hometown.

Paris is a place where I have been traveling alone for years! I first fell in love with Paris when I was 16 years old and on a school trip, and have since come back more than a dozen times, often alone. It is a city that I like very much, a city where I often play guidebooks for my friends and family.

However, Paris is very different from the idea that people have. Is Paris safe? It’s a beautiful city, yes, but it’s also a city where tourists are targeted. You have to be careful. And so here’s a guide I’ve set up to make sure you have the best trip to Paris ever—bbut also a trip where you can stay safe.

Why travel alone to Paris?

I love traveling alone in Paris; it’s one of my favorite cities to explore on my own. I think it is one of the cities best suited for solo travel. Why?

First of all, Paris is the dream of an introvert. French and Parisians in particular tend to be a little inward-looking compared to Americans, which means they don’t have to deal with constant draining interactions with strangers. In addition, Paris is full of wonderful activities that you can do yourself, such as museums, long walks, photography, shopping, and sitting in cafes.

Secondly, it’s easy to eat alone in Paris. While waiters from other cities can give you an armed head and a, “Just a?”(God, I hate it.)  It is very common for women to eat alone in Paris. Being alone in a restaurant will not cause eyebrows. Paris is also covered with cafes, where you can eat at any time of the day without batting an eye.

Thirdly, Paris is a dream destination. You have probably dreamed of visiting Paris since childhood. Although it’s not quite the idealized goal you have in mind (see below to learn more), Paris still has a lot of magic. There’s something about sitting in a sidewalk cafe drinking red wine while an accordionist plays across the street. It’s just Paris, and it will make your heart swell.

And finally, Paris is a great place to be. Simply walking down the street in Paris can be a fun experience. Not many cities have that. That’s why you don’t have to fill your trip with nonstop activities—just hanging out can be enough. It took me so long to find the right words to describe this, and I eventually wrote a piece called the Art of the Chilled Out Trip to Paris.

Paris is beautiful, but also rough.

Most people have an image of a perfect and beautiful Paris in their minds. Even before Instagram existed, people idealized Paris in their minds. These are all white buildings and wrought-iron balconies and baguettes, and artists with berets and poodles on a leash.

Not exactly, but. Paris is rougher than many European cities. There are many crimes. There is harassment on the street. Sometimes there is roughness. Tourists are oriented to a level that is perhaps higher than any other city. It’s dirty and soiled, and dog feces are everywhere (but believe me, the shit was much worse). There are many unsheltered people.

In addition, Parisians often have a reputation for being rude, especially to tourists, and although I think it’s a bit unfair, I understand why. The French tend to be very formal in their actions, and if they do not receive the same level of formality in return, they often react with coldness. Combine this with French culture, which is calmer and more appealing, especially compared to the South or Midwest of the US, and that can be surprising. People don’t discuss you in Paris like they do in America.

Also, do not expect friendly service. Tip-based American restaurant culture guarantees attentive service in most restaurants—but in France, and especially in Paris, don’t be surprised if a waiter sighs and rolls his eyes when you ask for a drink.

And while the French are aware of these Parisian inclinations (there is a joke that the French hate the Parisians, but no one hates the Parisians as much as they hate themselves), this is no ordinary knowledge among non-Europeans. Paris always remains idealized in the minds of foreigners, so when they arrive, they are often surprised and disappointed.

Is Paris safe? In general yes, but there are many things that you need to pay attention to.

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